Best Cardio Routine For Losing Weight

想知道减肥的最佳有氧运动是什么?如果是这样,您就不孤单。You’ve likely heard a number of conflicting viewpoints on this as some people believe that the most ideal form of cardio is high intensity training, where you alternate periods of all-out exercise with periods of lower intensity work, while others feel that longer duration, moderate paced sessions are the way to go.

So who’s right?


In order to assess what the best cardio for you is, you need to think clearly about the pros and cons of each variation and decide which is most applicable to your situation.

Let’s take a look at the two main types of cardio training and what each has to offer.

High Intensity Interval Training

The first type of cardio to look at is high intensity interval cardio. With this form of cardio, you’re going to work at an extremely intense pace for a very brief period of time and then back off the intensity and add in a slower, more moderate paced interval.

这样的两者交替 - 艰苦的工作间隔和积极恢复,将构成您的大部分锻炼,并且您还会增加五分钟的热身和冷静。

The first big advantage to this form of cardio is that it’s quick. Most sessions will last just 20-30 minutes at most, so you’ll be in and out of the gym in no time. If you aren’t fully exhausted after 25 minutes of intervals or so, this is a clear indication you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough and should be giving more effort.


For anyone interested in fat loss results, this is hugely advantageous because it’ll ensure that you create a higher overall calorie deficit and at the end of the day, this is what matters most as far as optimal fat loss is concerned.


最后,高强度间隔训练的最后一个不错的好处是,它也将有助于提高您的健身水平。没有其他形式的有氧运动可以提高您的厌氧能力,例如Interval Sprints,您会发现,在进行这些冲刺之后,您完成的任何稳态工作都会容易得多。

This increased fitness level will be critical for anyone who’s also participating in sporting events, which is another reason why this is the best cardio for these individuals.

One drawback to this form of cardio is that it is so intense. For those who don’t have a base level of cardio capacity, completing these sessions likely will just not be an option. They may try, but they’ll either not achieve the intensity necessary to get results, or they’ll become injured along the way.




With the moderate paced trained, you don’t have to include the carbs if you don’t want to, so this can be more manageable from that point of view.

Steady state cardio training isn’t quite as taxing on the body as interval training is either, so if you’re someone who is performing three or four heavy weight lifting workouts per week and who is slightly concerned about overtraining, this may make steady state cardio training a better fit.

过多的锻炼,尤其是在低卡路里饮食上会非常困难的时候,最终您会烧掉。What’s more is that if you attempt high intensity training using a very low calorie diet, especially a lower carb diet, your risk of lean muscle mass loss will be particularly high, which will then reduce your metabolic rate further, making it that much harder to see fat loss results occurring.

Steady state cardio training would be the best cardio in this scenario since it’s going to reduce the stress on the body and make it manageable to burn off a few extra calories through cardio training while still recovering as you should.


If this describes you, then steady state will be the way to go. Some exercise will always be better than no exercise, so that’s the main thing that you must keep in mind here.

So there you have the top factors to consider with regards to steady state training and interval training. There really is no bestcardioroutine for loosing weight, but rather each variations offers clear benefits that are different for each situation.


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