
If you’re getting ready to start up on a health promoting nutrition program, one thing that you need to learn is the benefits of green tea. When it comes to hydration, for most people, their day goes a little like this…


From there, they may go in for one more cup mid-morning until lunch hits when they treat themselves to a diet coke – they are, after all, watching their weight.

They get caught up with work during the afternoon hours and fail to take in anything further to drink until they come home and have a cold beer or glass of wine as they prepare dinner. Or, perhaps for the non-drinkers out there, they stop off for a fruit smoothie after work to tide them over for their workout session.

If this sounds even remotely like your day, you’re making some grave mistakes. Not only are you not staying hydrated, you’re not doing anything to promote your health either.



Hydration is a must.

All of this said, let’s go over what some of the other health benefits of green tea are that you should keep in mind.

Antioxidant Support



Drinking a few cups of green tea each day will provide you with a very highly concentrated source of antioxidants, which combat all these free radicals causing this damage.

Green tea has just as many, if not more, antioxidants than most fruits or vegetables, making it a highly potent source.

Energy Enhancement

We already discussed the fact that simply staying hydrated will help to boost your energy, so this is already one of the benefits of green tea that you should know.

Beyond that however, green tea also contains a very small dose of caffeine, which will further help to liven you up and boost your concentration level.

The nice thing however about green tea as opposed to coffee is that the caffeine content isn’t quite as high, therefore you won’t experience the rapid energy spike followed by crash.

This means that you’ll get a nice boost to your energy level, but from there, you’ll just slowly come down off of it.

As most people have already experienced what a caffeine crash feels like, this is one benefit that most will highly appreciate.

轻度剂量的咖啡因还可以提供其他进一步的好处,例如改善的循环和更好血糖控制。This can help you feel better on a day to day basis, avoiding those blood sugar spikes and crashes.





Additionally, if the green tea is replacing other beverages that you may be drinking regularly that only put you at a greater heart-health risk such as beer or high fat milkshakes, smoothies, or gourmet coffees, you’ll see benefits in that regard as well.

Metabolic Enhancement

If you are currently working towards the goal of losing body fat, another of the benefits of green tea that will be highly applicable to you is metabolic enhancement.

您的新陈代谢整天运行的速度越快,整天融化脂肪的融化就越容易。那些专注于increasing their metabolism与其仅仅从饮食中减少越来越多的食物,肯定会看到更好的结果并享受更多的过程。

Adding green tea assists with this.


Calorie Free!


Staying hydrated with just water does get boring from time to time, so green tea will help to liven things up a bit, but won’t add any calories like other beverages do.

It is important that you are avoiding taking in beverages that do contain calories as most often they are not going to be providing any satiety and causing you to reduce back on your food consumption.

So if you drink calorie laden beverages, you may just suffer weight gain because your calorie intake has now increased significantly.

There you have some of the greatest benefits of green tea that you must remember. If you currently are not adding this beverage into your diet plan, now is the time to start.

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