Healthy Metabolism Boosting Foods

If you’re trying to lose weight you will hear the word metabolism often. Metabolism is defined as a set of chemical reactions that occur in our bodies in order to sustain life. Anything we ingest, whether it is food, liquid or medication, is metabolized. Basically, anything we consume is utilized and transported to the appropriate places in order to fulfill its intended purpose.

When it comes to weight loss, a fast metabolism means the body will use and burn the calories we consume from the food we eat faster and more efficiently, leading to greater success. It makes sense then to do whatever we can to give our metabolism an extra push whenever possible.

1. Sip on Green Tea

Not only is green tea a delicious alternative to a cup of coffee in the morning, it’s also loaded with antioxidants called polyphenols. Not only do these antioxidants help protect against numerous health risks like heart disease and certain cancers, they also create a thermogenic effect. This means our bodies generate more heat, increasing caloric expenditure.


2. A Grapefruit a Day Keep Fat at Bay

Similar to green tea, grapefruit is loaded with antioxidants. This is reason enough to add one to your daily diet, but perhaps more important, this delicious fruit has been shown to have positive effects on metabolism as well.




Protein is one of the three macronutrients and is imperative to our good health. It is responsible for muscle and tissue growth, among other things. Lean, quality sources of protein, like that found in fish, seafood, poultry and lean cuts of beef will help your body build and repair its muscle tissue while also offering a boost to your metabolism.




Spicy foods like jalapenos and dishes containing chilies and cayenne contain the metabolism friendly phytochemical, capsaicin. Capsaicin has been found to elevate the metabolism by increasing our internal temperature. It offers a thermogenic effect similar to green tea.

Another fat loss bonus of spicy foods is that they help keep you satiated for longer. This means that along with the slight boost in metabolism you will receive from consuming a spicy meal, you’ll also be less likely to feel the urge to snack between meals.


In Summary

While the metabolism boosting benefits of spicy foods may be minimal, it certainly doesn’t hurt to add these things into your diet. If nothing else, you’ll enjoy the many other health benefits they offer while perhaps trying something new at the dinner table. Have some fun and experience new and exciting dishes. Your taste buds and your waistline will thank you for it.

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